Working to remove stigma of mental illness, open conversations and help students manage their mental wellness.

GBY3 Foundation

Enjoy our blogs and vlogs. Expand your understanding and end the stigma.

Kids Can Understand Their Feelings

In 1991, my brother started Kindergarten.
This was the beginning of his educational career, and also the beginning of his school-related mental health struggles.
To make improvements with our awareness, acknowledgement and intervention; educators, professionals and parents need to work together as a team. Collaboration needs to take place with support, not disagreement.
Parents shouldn't feel that they are fighting the system to get what is best for their child. Educators shouldn't have to beg their administration for tools and resources to meet the needs of their students. Medical professionals need to be heard when they recognize behaviors and symptoms in children, even if they are just Kindergarten age.
When a child is diagnosed with ASD, the medical field states that early intervention is key in success with behavioral therapy treatment. Why do we not feel the same way when it comes to children's mental health?
Early intervention is necessary in all components of a child's life and growth.
Support #gby3foundation to help ensure more #mentalhealthawareness in elementary schools.
Acknowledge the feelings of little learners. Kids can understand their emotions and combat their struggles.
#mentalhealthadvocate #GBY3FOUNDATION #fightthestigma #endthestigma #bipolarawareness #bipolardepression #suicideprevention #suicideprevention #mentalhealthawarenessinschools #earlyintervention

Chelsea Yeager1 Comment