George’s Story.
At 7 years old, George tested as extremely gifted. We were warned by the psychologist that often mental health issues occur with his level of intelligence. George was diagnosed at 20 with bipolar ll disorder, along with severe depressive disorder and severe anxiety. For the next 12 years of his life, it was a roller coaster ride of medications, hospitalizations, rehabilitation, electroconvulsive therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.
There were periods of stability and there were periods of time when the medications appeared to no longer help and George withdrew; from life, family and friends. Hopelessness set in, leading to times of self medicating (Dual Diagnosis). The most extreme times were his attempts to take his life, at least 7 that we are aware of. These times, of course led to hospitalizations and living in group housing. A few times he ended up homeless, all because he was afraid to ask for help!
Through it all, his love for Yoda, his pug and his creativity helped him get through each day. He painted, had a photographic memory and a knack for music, playing guitar, drums and other instruments. George was a talented writer and a film buff, having aspirations of being a film editor at one time. He discovered yoga and meditation during one inpatient stay and continued to practice because it helped his moods. A kind, creative and sensitive soul with the ability in recent years to be the rational voice for his family when they struggled with what life had dealt him.
We hope by sharing his story it will inspire us to be kinder, non judgmental and remove the stigma of mental illness.
Lisa Yeager
George’s Mom, Co-Founder
Mom, Yogi , former Hair Stylist, Lisa uses her life experiences as the mom of someone with serious mental illness to guide her in helping to end the stigma and start the conversation. An RYT 200 with certifications in PTSD, Trauma Release Yoga and Yoga Nidra., Lisa uses a blend of these tools to teach self care and regulation. She has been through the system and lack of tools with her son, and spent years trying to educate herself about mental illness. Her dream is to have GBY3’s mental health action tools available for everyone. Education and Action to save lives. “If our nonprofit saves one life, it is all worth it”
Chelsea Yeager
George’s sister, Co-Founder
Chelsea is an Early Childhood/ Elementary School teacher. She holds a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education with a minor in Sociology, and a Master’s of Education in Applied Behavior Analysis. She is an RYT 200 and has spent the last 12 years working in inclusion classrooms with special needs, general education and structured English immersion students. Chelsea’s specializes in social emotional learning, helping students to feel safe and secure in the classroom. She also has a deep understanding of behavioral therapy techniques and interventions, guiding students on the Autism Spectrum to be successful in the classroom. Chelsea has developed and implemented self-care techniques within the classroom that will be a part of our classes and talks.
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