Working to remove stigma of mental illness, open conversations and help students manage their mental wellness.

GBY3 Foundation

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Ways to Self Soothe

When you're struggling with your mental health, it can be a challenge just to get out of bed to use the bathroom.
So when advice to "go outside and get some fresh air" is given, it can feel like a slap in the face.
Sometimes, in order to begin the journey towards feeling better mentally; tools that may seem minor to the non- sufferer, are what can start us on that path.

Wear those fluffy socks while you watch a movie or series you've already seen a thousand times (without leaving your bed).

Drink your ☕ with music playing in the background (without leaving your bed).

Read a new or old favorite book with candles lit beside you (without leaving your bed). Safely please though, don't fall asleep if the candles are burning 😬

This post might make it sound like an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle is being promoted. That's not the case. With mental illness, I saw my brother unable to come out of his room, unable to get up and use the bathroom. His #bipolardepression prevented him from daily functioning.
Maybe starting with these "minor" #copingmechanisms and #toolsformentalhealth would have been helpful to him. And maybe not 🤷‍♀️
But it is worth a try.
It is never wrong to say, 'I gave it a chance.'
'I worked to make the change.'

#mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthadvocate #GBY3FOUNDATION #fightthestigma #endthestigma #fightthestigma #mentalhealthinschools #kidscanunderstandtheirfeelings #wutangisforthechildren #socialemotionallearning #yogaforkids #suicideprevention #suicideawareness #bipolarawareness #depressionawareness #anxietyrelief #selfcare #selfsoothing @gby3foundation

Chelsea Yeager