Working to remove stigma of mental illness, open conversations and help students manage their mental wellness.

GBY3 Foundation

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Covid 19 and mental health

It is with great concern and frustration that I write this today. I have become aware of emptied hospital departments for mental health in preparation for Covid 19 patients that never arrived. These units sat empty while many struggled with their sanity or addictions and tried to cope and hold on. I see the news stories reporting on the increase in people being removed from a bridge or having already jumped and taken their life. These people needed those empty hospital units and the staff that worked there. This current world crisis is impacting mental wellness in so many ways and on so many levels. Some one may have been OK but current situations, job loss, fear, stress, food insecurity the list goes on, this may put them over the edge and now we have less resources to help them. I do not have the answer to this situation but I hope by starting a discussion we can all make our voices heard and make sure these mental health units return to normal operating procedures and hours . I encourage you to take a few moments and look up what your local hospitals are doing. This unprecedented time we are living through definitely requires mental health support.

Lisa Yeager